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Clinic at the Royal Children's Hospital

Dr Annabel Barton is a General Paediatrician with a wide range of clinical interests including neurodevelopmental disorders, the care of ex premature infants, indigenous health, acute medicine and is passionate about health equity and rural and remote health care. Annabel holds an appointment as a General Paediatrician at Royal Darwin Hospital and is in Melbourne for 6 months for her partner’s work. Annabel is covering Dr Alice Donnan’s clinic whilst she is on leave.


Annette is a senior clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne and research fellow in the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. Annette’s clinical interests are in managing children with a range of developmental conditions, from infancy to late childhood.

Her areas of speciality include learning difficulties, craniofacial disorders, ADHD, developmental delay, and genetic conditions.